So Amazon invited me to become their influencer after they visited my bookstagram. I have now a storefront and I made some IDEAL lists with my favorite items.
One for Artists... One for writers and one to Welcome Spring.
Spring sale started today March 25th and lasts until the 31st.
THIS doesn't stop me from supporting local and going to local first, but in many situations, online shopping makes it easy and fast to deliver to far away places. For example, when I want to shop to send to my mother in Portugal I use Amazon Spain and I know she will get my gift.
Some people live in locations that don't have immediate local shopping, and sometimes delivery is a factor. I am so glad that IKEA finally started to offer delivery service because we don't have a car (by environmental choice).
If you click and buy from clicking on my Amazon lists and links, I will get a small percentage back.
My storefront link.
Welcome to Spring List.
AH! THAT LEGO.... do you know there is a HEIHEI????

Although we are going through hard times, Amazon made my dream of publishing my books come true where other paths closed the door. I just hope that things will get better.
I hope this post hasn't upset you. It is unique (not going to repeat it, just added the link to my bookstagram) This is an update to my journey. Celebrating my new Storefront. There is also Etsy filled with amazing artists who you can support.