First movie you saw in the movie theatre?
Me: Ladyhawk.
My mom met with her friend Cristina and she had this idea... Let's go watch it. I was 5 so my mom was not convinced I should go see a fantasy movie or if I would behave.
This is what happened:
Mom: "Are you afraid?"
Me: "Shhh..." (Inner thoughts: You're running my Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer moment. That Mathew Broderick monk fellow is a good friend...)
So when I find myself writing characters and creating them, I get pulled back to those precious first experience memories.
(photo above me reading a Politics book in German... don't ask)
MEET TINNAN: My fantasy trilogy follows multiple pov (points of view). You've met Eilenar already (the main character) a carefree troublemaker from the outskirts of the city. Today I present to you a sketch of Tinnan and Jade.
Now... Tinnan Keristan is Eilenar's (Main Character) best friend. A young acolyte from a wealthy family.
Nice to learn more about your characters! :)
You were just contemplating the gorgeous German politicians 🤣